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Raise money amongst your friends and colleagues (examples so far: sponsored walks, runs or cycle rides) or in your company or community (examples so far: cake sales, toy sales, merchandise sales, concerts, garden parties).

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There are many ways you can help raise funds

MOET School is entirely dependent on donations and goodwill.  Regular and single donations will help secure the future of the school on a day-to-day basis and could fund further outreach programs to help the community at large.

Donation Methods

Add a general description of the items listed below. You can introduce the list and include any relevant information you want to share. Double click to edit the text.

Make donation with Paypal to FOMOE

Click on the icon and complete your donation with 

Pay Pal

Make donation with Bank Transfer to FOMOE

Bank Transfer

FOMOE Barclays Bank: Leicester LE87 2BB

Account No:  13832015 
Sort Code:  20 17 92

For transfers outside of the UK: 


IBAN GB93 BARC 2017 9213 8320 15

Make donation with Wonderful to FOMOE

Click on the icon and complete your donation

with Wonderful

Make a cheque donation to FOMOE

Cheque / Check

Make it payable to FOMOE and mail to:


63 Spirit Quay, London


Make donation with easyfundraising  to FOMOE

Click on the icon and donate while

shopping online

Make donation with standing order  to FOMOE

Standing Order

Complete and send to your own bank or input the information onto your online banking account. 

Are you UK Tax Payer?

Donate using Gift Aid it

Your donation(s) can earn FOMOE an extra 25% if you complete the Gift Aid form and post it back to us.  ​ Whichever method you choose, and let us know your name, address and the amount so we can recognise your donation.  We promise not to send on your details to anyone else.

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